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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


As you might have known, the number of reality shows are increasing especially talent shows. ................(put some random country name) Idol, So you think you can dance, The Voice, X factor, etc. those are just a fewsamples of famous reality show. These things are serious, considering the  people behind the scene,producers, judges, casting agents, etc. But  there would also some reality shows who would only last for one season, just google it, you'll find some.

Somehow I encountered this Indonesian online talent show called StarVoices. According to their website is a singing show or rather competition held online through social networking twitter and has been goin on since 2011. Currently they are in Second season. They said that this competition will be run like the one on TV which I don't know which format, american idol? x-factor? the voice? or maybe their own format(which never appears on TV)?

For further info you can click here. There are four judges and a host.The judges commented through twitter. After looking at the judges section, my face are like

For me, how good a talent shows depends on the format, and the judges. A GOOD judge has a GOOD credibility. Let's take American Idol, for the first ten season the judges are almost well rounded. Simon Cowell, who are famous for his notoriety, is a good producer who handled Westlife, 5ive, Il Divo, etc. He has credibility in his hand. Though his tongue is sharp enough to kill people, what he says is kind of true. While Randy jackson handles the musicality like the pitch, rhythym etc. Paula is like the middle person who handles, musicality, fashion, and sometimes buffering Simon's toxic comment. All of them know their field.

BUT, for this show it's like I don't even have heard their names on TV or radio. How credible are they? Some of them did post their singing online and i'm kinda lazy to post them here. To me, their singing-wise are not that top notch (if not they wouldn't be wasting time judging online), I don't know their music background, are they self-taught? studied at a prestigious school like berklee college of music? received scholarship to study in Royal Academy of music? Who knows...
 Sharp ears, are important, but can't stand on its own, you need to have strong music background too. So that they can explain what's lacking at least for basic stuff. Though some of you may comment that music is art, thus theoretical background is not important. I beg to differ, I borrowed from a site Music theory provides a universal way for musicians to understand the vital elements of music. and from our beloved wikipedia In a grand sense, music theory distils and analyzes the fundamental parameters or elements of music—rhythm, harmony (harmonic function), melody, structure, form, texture, etc.

Being a judge is easier than the contestant. He can say whatever he wants to the contestants cause his butts are not on the line. At the same time being a judge should be more difficult too, provided he has sense of responsibility. The end-result of their show will reflect how good they are... or sort of. Those I can't stand are the judges who are lousy but have the mentality of I'm-greater-than-thou, and those who give useless comments

That's all for today


Teddy Bear

Disclaimer: I'm not paid to advertise any of the programmes above. Nor do I have any connection to the shows mentioned above.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Random Fun

I apologize to my readers (if there's any left) for abandoning the blog for quite some time. I'm preoccupied with so many things. hence i beseech your understanding.

As you know Psy's Gangnam Style has dominated the music chart lately, I believe. After sometimes it has become overrated, though some of you may still enjoy the music. I think I had enough.

I came upon a video done by Indonesian who recorded or rather organized a whole flash mob using this song in Bundaran HI, which is a famous landmark in Jakarta. It has gain its 'fame' due to the notorious some law enforcers who have the sharpest eyes to spot traffic offenders, and needless to say impose heavy fine on those who purposely or accidentally break those rules in this area. enough about Bundaran HI

here's the video

So I was curious and traced back their previous videos. So the uploader of the video is Edho Zell you can follow him on twitter, just watch at the end of every videos. He's very creative. The Happy Holiday Indonesia series are several "games" which are more like pranks performed by a group of people that either makes you cringe or laugh. So I will post the rest of the series. Beware of Expletives for almost every 30 seconds.

Though it's not holiday yet. Hope you'll enjoy the videos

Last but not least. Warning! do not watch before, during or at least 1 hour after meal.

The first episode of Happy Holiday Indonesia

Although I'm not a big fan of your hairdo, kudos to Edho Zell for the creativity and the gang for the courage for performing those stunts.


Teddy Bear

Disclaimer: I'm not a member of their group, not paid to promote and advertise their videos, and not resposible to anything that happens to the viewers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Very short post

I'm so sorry for the very late and short post, as I'm quite busy these days.
The very next picture is a must guide for all parents.

Babies Dos and Donts

Last, I'd like to wish happy fasting to all my Muslim readers.


Teddy Bear

Monday, June 11, 2012


Any of you love clubbing?
Call me weird but clubbing is not my cup of tea (D'oh the closest tea beverage you'll get in that place is Long Island Tea). I'm not the type who enjoy loud music (i'm preserving my auditoric range) and I can't really relate to the type of music they play. And I think the entrance fee is quite expensive, though at the end i'll spend the same amount of money on some random stuff. I believe in retail therapy Lol.

By The way I'm not judging anyone.

Some people just love clubbing so much and I don't mind at all. Please go ahead spend some time there rather than wasting time on other activity like illegal street racing (rolling eyes).

Anyway for those who happen to like clubbing these are some videos of dance reference:

part 1

part 2

part 3

I think he forgot to put one more, my one and only move, The Clumsy move i.e accidentally bump, smack someone, spilled some drink on a fancy dress/ suit, and knocking yourselves out.

Thank you jemdahunk for enlightening me with those killer moves :)


Teddy Bear

Saturday, April 28, 2012


The definition of fanatic: a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal.
A motorcycle club is a group of individuals whose primary interest and activities involve motorcycles.

Maybe you've heard the news about outlaw motorcycle club in Jakarta and several other provinces (Bali, Makassar, Semarang) in Indonesia which is quite a trend. 

(only applies to those useless motorcycle club) Generally I'm Ok with motorist, except in Indonesia. Why, first of all, MANY but not all motorist are bad motorist. In Indonesia there's unwritten law that the weakest is the strongest. It goes like this; whenever motorist (the weaker one in this case) hit a car or anything bigger, and when it's brought to law enforcer, he tends to side with the motorist regardless the motorist is wrong or right. So the law of the jungle applied though there is law regarding traffic. Thus it helps motorists here to acquire the POWER RANGER SYNDROME (i.e the feeling that they will triumph over everything especially after wearing helmet) and sure thing many motorists are the first to get angry whenever they are involved in an accident and whether they did or did nothing wrong. Oh by the way you'll see everyday many motorists break the law and don't give a sh*t about it.

True Enough
Secondly, we all know not all Indonesian can afford to ride in a cool Harley Davidson. Let alone fulfilling their daily needs yet they like to throw away their money. When the government planned to remove subsidy for fuel, many of you demonstrate and wrecked many public property (without thinking that those public properties are paid from the taxes). And mindlessly wasting fuel on convoying or by doing illegal street racing, not only you burn your money, you also disturb public safety. The last thing I care is that those illegal racers died from accident. I bet most of the members of those useless motorcycle club own lousy motorcycles that are indecent enough to be displayed in the public. I strongly you switch your motorcycle to something more useful like

these things are much better than yours
Many of those motorcycle clubs are associated with negative things. Brainless Bimboes who think they're cool enough to bully other just because they're  members of motorcycle club. Or the number of  deaths annually caused by motorcycle-club-related-activities. Or dimwits who assault other student.
Motorcycle clubs should be banned or they should be registered and heavily supervised.

Seriously they look worse than this

Nevertheless I'm all in and even salute those motorcycle club that are helpful to the society like this. Or Patriot Guard Riders who provide funeral escorts for military veterans, Freewhelers EVS which use motorcycles to provide an out-of-hours emergency medical courier service. These are some of the examples that not only need to be followed but replicated if necessary.

Thank You Mice for the genius depiction of those mindless underage motorists

Fans of Celebrities

Are you excited about Super Junior's concert? I'm not. I don't get the KPOP wave all over the world. Though I admire their hardwork for whatever they do, I just don't get it. I don't find their dance move attractive let alone the girlband who tends dance with funny hand gesture or what i prefer say "trying to act cute". I'm scared of their die-hard fans or I say fanatics. There must be something wrong with their (i mean the fans) head. It's like they are in a cult or something. Die hard fans named themselves ludicrously and defend their celebrities until they die.

Many sprouting Indonesian bands like to mimic (or rather copycat from their dance, songs type, hairstyle, ) their Korean counterpart. If you happen to browse youtube, many Indonesians attack new-bands-who-happen-very-korean-like and saying that their song or whatever are plagiarized. (plagiarism is like the IT word lol). Fans (there are two extreme forms of fans, on one end are those who are smitten by the stars, and on the other end are the haters) do stupid things, for example there's this 1st generation korean-look-alike band called SM*SH, and voila an overseas band called SMASH was attacked by SM*SH fans. I laughed my ass off. Not only that Morgan De Toi which is a renowned brand also was attacked by those dimwits (just because one of the members named Morgan). That's the consequence for having imbeciles as fans.

Morgan de toi's admin had to explain to them that the profile is not Morgan from SM*SH LOL

Anyway Yesterday as I watched TV, there was news about Super Junior's fan (they called themselves ELF, I wonder why) who waited in Soekarno Hatta Airport for nothing, as the couldn't meet their idols. SuJu sneaked out of the airport using other secret pathway (devilish smile). So they cried and complained. It was disheartening to see them crying like one of their family members passed away. They even patronized some luxurious hotels just to hunt them.  The only one who could smile (besides me) is Angkasa pura who definitely received lots of money from those ELF who parked their cars or motors for hours.
I can't bear to pay the parking fee

Another funny thing was that some of those disappointed ELF said that they ONLY want to see their idol. We all know that they can't justify that. There's no way in a million years that fans, especially Indonesian fans who even treat antagonists in soap operas as if they are truly evil in real life, Only want to see them. I think Suju did the right thing. Who knows what might happen to them from:


A bite
or even

In Aussie they threw stuffed wombat, who knows maybe someone in Indonesia decided to throw Durian at such accuracy.


Teddy Bear

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

kony 2012

please spare half an hour to watch this video


so apparently the KONY 2012 action received some reactions.

one of them is from this Ugandan who lived in US

well everyone is entitled for his/her opinion. Though I don't give a green light on spending for such souvenirs. There are other things that we can do such as spreading information, which I think is more significant.
Decide for yourself what to do.


Teddy Bear

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


People tend to label each other. And when they put the labels on, it's more often have negative connotation.

The first word that comes to my dacron-filled head is the word FAT. there are many synonyms for the word FAT like beefy, big, bovine, bulky, distended, dumpy, elephantine, heavy, inflated, jelly-belly, lard, large, obese, oversize, plump, porcine, portly, potbellied, swollen, whalelike and the list goes on. 
The same thing in Indonesian language which is GEMUK and the synonyms are gendut, gempal, gembrot, tambun, etc.  Not only these words are used to describe the state  of their physical size but if you think carefully, I believe there's another intention which is to add INSULT. Some of the synonyms even suggest that overweight people are comparable to animals when it comes to weight and/or size.

 Let's look at the case of Afriyani who killed 9 people in a car accidents. If you read the news (I'm so sorry for not giving any link coz I'm too lazy, I believe you can google yourself) many reporters added the unnecessary body size description. According to my observation, the prevalence of describing body size (especially for the plus-sized subjects) shoots up concurrently when the subjects did criminal act. Many comments in the forum or facebook called Afriyani PEMBUNUH GENDUT (translation: fat murderer). The word Gendut or fat to me is to add up insult to her. I seldomly hear people shout "YOU THIN MURDERER". Do you get my point? 

in this case even the body size is linked to other negative characteristics that may or may not be true
Implication: the existence of fattist (def: discrimination on the basis of weight, esp prejudice against those considered to be overweight). Developed countries are trying to prevent fattism and incorporating these sensitive issues in their education. While developing countries, well... are still struggling with providing education, let alone spreading the correct contents.

The second word is that comes to my mind is the sexual orientation i.e homosexual, especially gay. I always wonder, in Indonesia why criminals (murderer particularly) who happens to be homosexual tends to get excessive media coverage e.g Ryan Jombang and Mujianto from Nganjuk. Why does sexual orientation create such a fuss. How come when there is Heterosexual killer or rapist don't get the same amount of media coverage? And there's no headline like HETEROSEXUAL KILLER CONFESSED KILLING 20 WOMEN. or HETEROSEXUAL KILLER IS STILL AT LARGE. 
In Indonesian the synonyms for gay are homoseksual, penyuka sesama jenis, etc. I find it weird with the usage of the term penyuka sesama jenis. The word jenis (translation: type, kind) is loosely applied here. What are you intending to say? I can say that a man likes a woman, they are penyuka sesama jenis (they are in love with the same species).

Even interspecies relationship is a celebrated thing
By labelling other people, we are allowing discrimination to happen which is incorrect on every level. I'll discuss discrimination in other post. 


Teddy Bear

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Watching-Movies Pet Peeves

Although I'm not a movie-freak, I do enjoy occasionally watch movies.

Nevertheless, some people, whether they suffer from massive and severe brain injury (that I hoped they'd just prefer to undergo surgery just to have their brains lifted), or suffering from lack of conscience or maybe sanity, they just keep appearing to agonize other moviegoers. here are the few basic rules.

1. Each movie has ratings, not measure with the number of stars but the appropriateness of its content. Well,  blame it on both parents and the employee at the movie theaters, there will be some "little angels" watching movies for adults. I've seen children left in the movies where there are bloody and murder scenes. Thank God that they remain quiet, but I don't know whether their silence is indication of scare or others. Some movies need parental guidance, which more often taken lightly and the parents never bother to GUIDE their children. You won't know how these sexual, gore images,  and violence might affect them in the future, being exposed to such experience at a tender age. Another thing with having children in the theaters are they will  produce unnecessary remarks, e.g In the X-men movie when Wolverine was sniffing for the presence of their enemy, a child asked his mother "Is he having cold?" For heaven sake, Mommies and/or Daddies please bring your child to a propriate movie and GUIDE them.

Movie Alone the movie
2. I hate people who talk during the movies whether it's a phone call or unnecessary and/or stupid comments. Please don't go to watch in the movie theaters if you have the tendency to utter comments, I don't want to hear other thing than the narrator itself or the director's comment. And don't chit chat while watching. Which part of "Do Not Talk"-warning-showed-before-the-movie-begin do you not understand.
can I shove the whole pop corn and the box to your mouth? 

please shut up B**************tch!!!!!  

3. Some people have long legs or short enough to disturb other people who happen to sit in front of them. I beg thee to not kick or eve worse put your leg on the seat. Even when people have the U-shaped head like this 

just use your imagination  

You're not allowed to kick or to put your feet on the seat (or someone's head)
not only they look ugly, they STINK! ps: are the Hobbit's feet modeled after your feet?

4. Coming late is a big NO-NO. please manage your time properly. I spend some money not to watch your figure, but to watch movie. I don't care whether you have a stick-figure or morbidly obese, please get the hell of my sight.

The next thing I want to happen to these ignorant people:

1st offence: Stern Verbal Warning
2nd Offence: Kicked Out!

With additional prize like:

Put their pictures in the "Hall of Fame"
Or you can redeem this voucher:
A Good kick to the head to knock some sense into you

Spend some quality time in the endless pit, courtesy of the Spartaan!!!


Teddy Bear