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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Watching-Movies Pet Peeves

Although I'm not a movie-freak, I do enjoy occasionally watch movies.

Nevertheless, some people, whether they suffer from massive and severe brain injury (that I hoped they'd just prefer to undergo surgery just to have their brains lifted), or suffering from lack of conscience or maybe sanity, they just keep appearing to agonize other moviegoers. here are the few basic rules.

1. Each movie has ratings, not measure with the number of stars but the appropriateness of its content. Well,  blame it on both parents and the employee at the movie theaters, there will be some "little angels" watching movies for adults. I've seen children left in the movies where there are bloody and murder scenes. Thank God that they remain quiet, but I don't know whether their silence is indication of scare or others. Some movies need parental guidance, which more often taken lightly and the parents never bother to GUIDE their children. You won't know how these sexual, gore images,  and violence might affect them in the future, being exposed to such experience at a tender age. Another thing with having children in the theaters are they will  produce unnecessary remarks, e.g In the X-men movie when Wolverine was sniffing for the presence of their enemy, a child asked his mother "Is he having cold?" For heaven sake, Mommies and/or Daddies please bring your child to a propriate movie and GUIDE them.

Movie Alone the movie
2. I hate people who talk during the movies whether it's a phone call or unnecessary and/or stupid comments. Please don't go to watch in the movie theaters if you have the tendency to utter comments, I don't want to hear other thing than the narrator itself or the director's comment. And don't chit chat while watching. Which part of "Do Not Talk"-warning-showed-before-the-movie-begin do you not understand.
can I shove the whole pop corn and the box to your mouth? 

please shut up B**************tch!!!!!  

3. Some people have long legs or short enough to disturb other people who happen to sit in front of them. I beg thee to not kick or eve worse put your leg on the seat. Even when people have the U-shaped head like this 

just use your imagination  

You're not allowed to kick or to put your feet on the seat (or someone's head)
not only they look ugly, they STINK! ps: are the Hobbit's feet modeled after your feet?

4. Coming late is a big NO-NO. please manage your time properly. I spend some money not to watch your figure, but to watch movie. I don't care whether you have a stick-figure or morbidly obese, please get the hell of my sight.

The next thing I want to happen to these ignorant people:

1st offence: Stern Verbal Warning
2nd Offence: Kicked Out!

With additional prize like:

Put their pictures in the "Hall of Fame"
Or you can redeem this voucher:
A Good kick to the head to knock some sense into you

Spend some quality time in the endless pit, courtesy of the Spartaan!!!


Teddy Bear


  1. My pet peeve in the movie would be to sit next to a 'busy' couple.

    1. thank god so far I've never had any busy and noisy couple next to me. which would be interesting if I would just secretly record theit action and post in on youtube lol. Thanks for dropping by

    2. OMG that just sounds like something that I should do as well if I happen to encounter a busy couple again! ;))

  2. Replies
    1. HI Rad, my earliest post will be next week. I'm currently busy as a bee :)
