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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


As you might have known, the number of reality shows are increasing especially talent shows. ................(put some random country name) Idol, So you think you can dance, The Voice, X factor, etc. those are just a fewsamples of famous reality show. These things are serious, considering the  people behind the scene,producers, judges, casting agents, etc. But  there would also some reality shows who would only last for one season, just google it, you'll find some.

Somehow I encountered this Indonesian online talent show called StarVoices. According to their website is a singing show or rather competition held online through social networking twitter and has been goin on since 2011. Currently they are in Second season. They said that this competition will be run like the one on TV which I don't know which format, american idol? x-factor? the voice? or maybe their own format(which never appears on TV)?

For further info you can click here. There are four judges and a host.The judges commented through twitter. After looking at the judges section, my face are like

For me, how good a talent shows depends on the format, and the judges. A GOOD judge has a GOOD credibility. Let's take American Idol, for the first ten season the judges are almost well rounded. Simon Cowell, who are famous for his notoriety, is a good producer who handled Westlife, 5ive, Il Divo, etc. He has credibility in his hand. Though his tongue is sharp enough to kill people, what he says is kind of true. While Randy jackson handles the musicality like the pitch, rhythym etc. Paula is like the middle person who handles, musicality, fashion, and sometimes buffering Simon's toxic comment. All of them know their field.

BUT, for this show it's like I don't even have heard their names on TV or radio. How credible are they? Some of them did post their singing online and i'm kinda lazy to post them here. To me, their singing-wise are not that top notch (if not they wouldn't be wasting time judging online), I don't know their music background, are they self-taught? studied at a prestigious school like berklee college of music? received scholarship to study in Royal Academy of music? Who knows...
 Sharp ears, are important, but can't stand on its own, you need to have strong music background too. So that they can explain what's lacking at least for basic stuff. Though some of you may comment that music is art, thus theoretical background is not important. I beg to differ, I borrowed from a site Music theory provides a universal way for musicians to understand the vital elements of music. and from our beloved wikipedia In a grand sense, music theory distils and analyzes the fundamental parameters or elements of music—rhythm, harmony (harmonic function), melody, structure, form, texture, etc.

Being a judge is easier than the contestant. He can say whatever he wants to the contestants cause his butts are not on the line. At the same time being a judge should be more difficult too, provided he has sense of responsibility. The end-result of their show will reflect how good they are... or sort of. Those I can't stand are the judges who are lousy but have the mentality of I'm-greater-than-thou, and those who give useless comments

That's all for today


Teddy Bear

Disclaimer: I'm not paid to advertise any of the programmes above. Nor do I have any connection to the shows mentioned above.


  1. Bear!!! Hehehe

    It's been a long while! :p

    Let's chatt

    1. Hi Rad. how are you? yup sorry I am kinda busy. how's with your study?
