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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Random Fun

I apologize to my readers (if there's any left) for abandoning the blog for quite some time. I'm preoccupied with so many things. hence i beseech your understanding.

As you know Psy's Gangnam Style has dominated the music chart lately, I believe. After sometimes it has become overrated, though some of you may still enjoy the music. I think I had enough.

I came upon a video done by Indonesian who recorded or rather organized a whole flash mob using this song in Bundaran HI, which is a famous landmark in Jakarta. It has gain its 'fame' due to the notorious some law enforcers who have the sharpest eyes to spot traffic offenders, and needless to say impose heavy fine on those who purposely or accidentally break those rules in this area. enough about Bundaran HI

here's the video

So I was curious and traced back their previous videos. So the uploader of the video is Edho Zell you can follow him on twitter, just watch at the end of every videos. He's very creative. The Happy Holiday Indonesia series are several "games" which are more like pranks performed by a group of people that either makes you cringe or laugh. So I will post the rest of the series. Beware of Expletives for almost every 30 seconds.

Though it's not holiday yet. Hope you'll enjoy the videos

Last but not least. Warning! do not watch before, during or at least 1 hour after meal.

The first episode of Happy Holiday Indonesia

Although I'm not a big fan of your hairdo, kudos to Edho Zell for the creativity and the gang for the courage for performing those stunts.


Teddy Bear

Disclaimer: I'm not a member of their group, not paid to promote and advertise their videos, and not resposible to anything that happens to the viewers

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