About Me

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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

kony 2012

please spare half an hour to watch this video


so apparently the KONY 2012 action received some reactions.

one of them is from this Ugandan who lived in US

well everyone is entitled for his/her opinion. Though I don't give a green light on spending for such souvenirs. There are other things that we can do such as spreading information, which I think is more significant.
Decide for yourself what to do.


Teddy Bear


  1. I saw the documentary a few days ago and it was pretty impressive.

    Btw, can I see you in a photo? :)

    1. Hi Rad, I appreciate your curiosity on my look, unfortunately I have to decline your request, as I like the anonymity. I hope you can appreciate it. thank you :)

    2. Or, you can add me on FB and I won't let anyone know that it's you :D

      it's Rad Sujanto
