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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Clang Associations

First of all  I apologize to the remaining reader because it looked like I abandon this blog. Afarid not cause I'm dying to post but I'm in a place where it's difficult to be connected to the cyrber world. Super happy belated birthday to fellow blogger Rad & congratulations Andro for the job. 

The story of a Dictator

Choose your dictator

Once upon a time in land where everyone tweets, came a what-so-called white knight in a shining armor riding a horse, claiming to be a hero in that land that would save its people from the claimed-to-be-evil shamas. These shamans tried to cure the people based on their knowledge and in return they asked for money for their services just like other jobs. They went to the school of Shamanry which is quite expensive and unfortunately as many people would like, not all could be enrolled to this school. Not all shamans are rich, definitely not after they'd done with school. These service rendered by them are unique despite the same school they wet, just like personality, these shamans' service can't satisfy everyone who came to seek their help. Due to the complex nature of the situation, some people start to tweet their objection against these shamans, while other still believe in them. The shining Knight who had the messiah complex, saw the opportunity and grabbed right away. He started to slander these druids and gaining support from many people. As he felt almighty, he demanded these shamans to surrender on his term without regarding the shamans wellbeing and feelings. So he trolled all of them who opposed him and become the dictator of the land. He hired the pseudo-shamans, who claimed have the ability to hex, summon rain, heal, exorcise evil spirit, create invicibility, and make fortune out of nothing, to satisfy the people and fill in the quote for shamans.  For the identity of the mysterious dictator shall remain a mystery until someone's willing to hire a PI (private investigator) to find out his true identity. The End

*this instant fabrication is based on a true happening in a land where tweety has become an adjective and with heavy seasoning of author's wild imagination.

I believe you've heard the quotes above. The medical field in Indonesia currently is in hot water thanks to the extremely balanced report by the irresponsible media. MANY (NOT ALL) journalists or claimed to be so, in Indonesia, disregard the journalism ethics and standards. Only God and their employers know their credentials. That's why I emphasize the importance of education; reporters of journalist coming from a zero background in journalism knows nothing and write freely without thinking the repercussion. You can google more about Journalism ethics and standards. As I remember a good article should be objective, balanced, accurate and etc. An infamous, cheesy, and lame online news in Indonesia often publishes two or more news on the same story with very catchy and questionable title and with difference of one or two information in between those news. Not to mention other newspaper that mostly consists of crime news with the garnishing of sexually arousing vocabulary that would just "educate" our people. How on earth people will get educated if they only read crime news, cheesy article, and worst of all distasteful in everything. But not all of the newspaper are like that;  KompasThe Jakarta Post, and Jakarta Globe are a few examples of reputable newspaper that highly regards journalistic code of ethics and they are very thorough in their work. Lousy piece of work vs better article. judge yourself. Malpractice of the journalist.

Doctor is supposedly to be an honorable profession. I've met many good and great doctors, but I've also met individuals in that field who are not doing their job properly. I believe that there must be corrupted individuals in every occupations including medical field. But NOT ALL are corrupted as what they irresponsible media like to claim. A series of event degrade this honorable profession, plus one doctor, who is a member of the parliament and a moron,  publicly humiliate her own profession and will not apologize. She herself was deemed responsible for the lost of clause smoking ban law. I'm so keen in this topic because of I'm very interested in the reason of those who are loud against the doctors. Though the doctors and nurses are sworn to save life even if one of these haters are dying, I wonder if these hooligans will sign for DNR (do not rescucitate) if they're dying as a sign that they are true to their words. But I have the feeling that they are the embodiment of hypocrisy.

That's it for my random thoughts


Teddy Bear

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