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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Move over Jack Skellington here comes The Sliding Nurse (read: Suster Ngesot)

Have you heard the news about a girl who wanted to play a prank on her friend? So she dressed as Suster ngesot and tried to scare her friend. While maybe her dress and her act was so unbelievably real, she received an early Christmas present from the security guard which was a beautiful kick in her face. here's for the  news: http://bandung.detik.com/read/2011/12/11/202807/1788499/486/satpam-apartemen-galeri-ciumbuleuit-tendang-suster-ngesot

source: picture.

These are my opinions:
Girl, the only thing that you need to do was to do was to tell the security guard that there would be a prank happening and gave the description to the security guard. I think they wouldn't mind helping you if you had informed them. Geez, just because you owned a unit there doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want there
In her BLOG she tried to justify herself by choosing the lift barang so that it didn't disturb other tenants. Er... girl as far as I know some people used the lift barang regardless the presence of the tenant's lift. What happen if there's old people with a heart condition and if he/ she happened to be in the same lift. 
I'll discuss about her conclusions. 
1. Mengapa pihak apartment tidak berterus terang saat memberikan info ke Mamah saya di Jakarta , pada pagi hari sampai siang hari tersebut. Mengapa mereka memberikan berita  bahwa saya(Mega) melakukan hal yang meresahkan warga apartment?! Kenapa pihak apartment tidak memberitahu dan menutupi bahwa telah terjadi tindakan kekerasan tersebut.
Q: Is there any obligation from the management to tell her parent's that they managed to sort of prevent an act that was seemed as an act that may bring inconvenience to other tenant s(the least) or an act that threatens other tenants (the worst), was carried out by their daughters. Did she have sort of agreement with the management if I kissed the security guard's sole (read: there's anything happen to her) due to her thoughtless act please inform her parents.

2. Saya baru satu kali melakukan hal tersebut dan saya melakukan itu karena sebuah settingan saya dan teman – teman saya. Jadi sebelumnya yang berada di dalam lift dan luar lift itu ialah teman” saya yang sebelumnya sudah tahu terlebih dahulu kecuali satu orang yang akan kita berikan surprise.
Q: Yeah amateur, that's why you got yourself a very early Christmas present. Have you ensured that there'll be no other people in the lift that were not informed of the prank like the security guard. Why not do it in your own unit instead of taking place in the what's considered public area.

3. Mengapa satpam tidak datang kepada saya sampai saat ini, salah atau tidak bersalah pun sudah seharusnya Satpam itu datang kepada saya. Hanya sekedar berbicara tidak ada salahnya kan? Dan tidak ada yang perlu di takuti dan di tutupi ketika kita tidak  merasa bersalah.
Q: Why does he need to spend time chit chatting with you when you're the one partly to be blamed for and you jeopardized his career. Whether he's innocent or not, which depends on the court, he has the right to meet you or not, Dear. 

4. Dan pelajaran yang terpenting ialah “ MORAL DUTY REQUIRES ME TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF PUBLIC”
*Mengapa ? karena etika dan moral itu mencerminkan bangsa yang baik. Jangan sampai dengan kejadian seperti ini mencoreng hal tersebut. Pertanggung jawaban itu penting, dan kepatuhan hukum ialah salah satu syarat utama.
*Mengapa ? Jangan sampai sebuah institusi di cap seseorang yang emotional akan tugasnya, jangan samapi ke arogansian menjadi lambang sebuah institusi tersebut.
*Mengapa? Siapapun saya atau siapapun yang di perlakukan hal seperti ini, tidak pantas mendapatkan kekerasan seperti ini.
Mau siapapun korbannya, apapun korbannya, penghuni apartment atau bukan. Satpam tidak berhak bertindak kasar seperti itu.

Q: Don't be a drama queen and don't further embarass yourself in front of public. Are you an expert of ethics and morality? judging from your statements and immaturity, I still doubt about your ethics and morality. The security guard acted that way as a reflex to ensure the safety of the residents in the area  and there was a prior incident with the same MO. If I was the referee I would give the security guard a yellow card and you a red card.

Here is the video, judge yourself:


Teddy Bear

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