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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


OH my God have you heard this Indo's relatively new song titled "MAGIC"
It Just irritates me how they pronounce the word "MAGIC" through out their song. What the lead singer enunciate is MEIJIK. it's so FTW. Is this band sponsored by a pharmaceutical company who produces Troches yes It's MEIJI? Did they give you the famous antiseptic sweets so that you can mention the company's name through out the song?

Puhlease if you want to sing about song using foreign word. Get it right!!! I know maybe you don't have enough English lesson during your school time but still this is a basic word! M-A-G-I-C its not pronounces as [mei-jik], it's [maj-ik]
It's killing me just to know that you don't know  how to pronounce this simple word. You don't have to watch Harry Potter just to hear the correct pronunciation of this word. I'll sue you for assaulting my ear due to your stupidity.

And one more thing. This is for the radio announcer who doesn't know how to pronounce the word GENRE [zhahn-ruh]. If you think that you're a radio announcer and you still enunciate this noun like [jen-re] please resign and take more intense English course or let a primary school child teach you, I bet children nowadays are more proficient in English than you are. Your confidence in pronouncing the wrong way just show how Stupid and persistent you are. Please don't claim that you're working let alone interested in music industry without knowing how to enunciate this word properly.


Teddy Bear

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