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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How motorcycle works in decreasing number of population!

Since our country has problems with population control, our government comes up with a brilliant idea: Motorcycle.

Yes Motorcycle
How the mechanism of motorcycle works in curbing our population.
1. Motorcycle is one of the unsafest mode of transportation available.  Motorcycle works as the bringer of the accident, actually it's not the fault of the motorcycle but the motorcyclist himself. So yeah by having more motorcyles available on the road, not only it chokes up the traffic, it increases the risk of accidents. Don't we love it. We know how motorcyclist ride their vehicles, LIKE MOTORCYCLIST FROM HELL! they diregard the signs, taking opposite lanes and etc. So with those characteristics, voila! we have more accidents happening. By having more accidents, we have more casualties, furthermore if they died it just helps with the number of our population.
See how increasing motorcycles contributes to the chance of decreasing our population :)

2. In case you don't know, our motorcyclist spend more time on the road than anybody else. Guess what by spending more time riding those motorcycle, they're producing worse SPERMS. yes ladies and gentlemen, lower quality and quantity of SPERMS. The heat from the machine is simply bad for the sperms. That's why by having lower quality and quantity of sperm, the chances of fertilization is lower hence lower birth and therefore our target of decreasing number of population works. YAY!

Notes from an sarcastic and angry teddy bear towards simply imbecile motorcyclists


Teddy Bear

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