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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Species


A group of pseudo-scientists have discovered new species of human in Indonesia alive. Let's welcome the Cabe. In Indonesia cabai means chili pepper, while the pronunciation in a daily conversation might slightly differ into cabe (pronounce as chaw-bay). When they say "kecil-kecil cabe rawit" to someone it's likely to be a compliment for someone small in size to pack a punch (awesome skills). Nevertheless these pseudo-scientists think differently. They label these boorish promiscuous girl or prostitutes, and adolescent who dresses maturely as Cabe. The literal abbreviation is so vulgar, I won't write it here. It's an insult, yet this term is emerging and gaining popularity. Worst is that some may not know the meaning but use it freely and proudly.

Brilliantly illustrated by Mice
A newer species of Cabe

As I can't fathom why the hell they are honored to use that term, the competitiveness nature in the male species, they also want to have a catchy term for them, thus they come up with Terong-terongan (eggplant). Image plays an important aspect of Indonesian culture. They hate it when they're called Basi (means: outdated). I know that cabe-cabean has sexual innuendo. But why do they choose eggplant? The shape? size? or what? till now that baffled me.


So the obvious difference between cabe-cabean and terong-terongan is the gender. These new species currently fall within the same family called ALAY. Alay have some prominent characteristic when it comes fashion style, music prefernce, and their written language. So here's a few tips on how to spot ALAY

Alay Couture

Selfie pose typical of Alay
If you spot one and want to communicate with them, they are capable of speaking Bahasa Indonesia. However when it comes to the written, they use Alayan. If you love challenges in deciphering codes, you will love texting with Alays.

Alayan vs Indonesian

Micro Dictionary of Alayan

The Alays use capital letter and numbers as random as minds. Having hard time to write in Alayan? Don' worry we have the ALAY Generator to help you.
4Lr34Dy HAvin6 A 6re4t tIm3 w1th 4lay?

Last but not least

New Variation


Teddy Bear

Thursday, February 20, 2014


You can consider some (Not ALL) Indonesian male high school students are somewhat excessively "macho". Why is that so? Pick one or more the following choices:
A. Hot bodies

B. Leather & Bike
C. Gentleman

D. Athletic

E. Intelligent

The answer is none of the above. I don't know but to me the word that describe them is Coward. Many of those what-so-called student prefer to engage in unrecognized-by-any-sports-official-and-adrenaline-pumping extracurricular activity called Tawuran. As defined in Wikipedia as "a form of customary street fighting between gangs of school students in urban Indonesia." Isn't it fascinating that wikipedia waste a page on such trivial matter? 

Students should be competitive but not in a destructive manner. So usually tawuran start from a minor incident (mocking each other, staring, etc) which may happen to individuals or a small group and to solve the issue they need to squeeze the last drop of testosterone in their body by ranting to their friends. Having "uber high" level of solidarity they fight the so-called enemy. Then the enemy will seek revenge and thus the cycle continues. They prefer to solve issues by reenacting war complete with weapons (from sharp objects till modified belt). 

This is not a scene from Happy Feet 3 Nor Step Up 10

Hello Warrior!

So after displaying some "macho" behaviour this is what they do Best
Wait up Guys! You haven't Take a Bow! Gosh Rihanna won't be happy hearing this
When caughty by the authority

Students should be competitive but not in a destructive manner. So usually tawuran start from a minor incident (mocking each other, staring, etc) which may happen to individuals or a small group and to solve the issue they need to squeeze the last drop of testosterone in their body by ranting to their friends. Having "uber high" level of solidarity they fight the so-called enemy. Then the enemy will seek revenge and thus the cycle continues. They prefer to solve issues by reenacting war complete with weapons (from sharp objects till modified belt). 

When they think they're like this

When they are actually like this minus the cuteness

Meanwhile Ministry of Youth and Sports is trying to curb tawuran by asking the International Olympic Committee to use human target in the Throwing Event so that these hooligans can contribute in something. Wait a minute, there's incoming news. It seems that this won't be happening anytime soon as the current Minister who overlooks youths and sports is preoccupied with memorizing Indonesia's National Anthem so that he won't embarass himself in the future.

And the most nationalist award goes to....

Today's message is sponsored by
The Street Gang

Nb: this is not a generalization of all Indonesian students. and some parts of this text are meant to be  jokes.


Teddy Bear