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I'm Just a stuffed toy in a form of Teddy Bear. Who likes to rant randomly on any topics but for sure I hate football and politics.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Any of you love clubbing?
Call me weird but clubbing is not my cup of tea (D'oh the closest tea beverage you'll get in that place is Long Island Tea). I'm not the type who enjoy loud music (i'm preserving my auditoric range) and I can't really relate to the type of music they play. And I think the entrance fee is quite expensive, though at the end i'll spend the same amount of money on some random stuff. I believe in retail therapy Lol.

By The way I'm not judging anyone.

Some people just love clubbing so much and I don't mind at all. Please go ahead spend some time there rather than wasting time on other activity like illegal street racing (rolling eyes).

Anyway for those who happen to like clubbing these are some videos of dance reference:

part 1

part 2

part 3

I think he forgot to put one more, my one and only move, The Clumsy move i.e accidentally bump, smack someone, spilled some drink on a fancy dress/ suit, and knocking yourselves out.

Thank you jemdahunk for enlightening me with those killer moves :)


Teddy Bear